Try running ImageFilter.MinFilter on the image before you thumbnail it. This should make dark lines thicker. HTH, Will McGugan
You are my man! It worked perfectly!
Statement: Sometimes PIL is better than Adobe Photoshop. :-)
Happy to help :)
I also found these with the aid of the wonderful dir() function:
MinFilter, MaxFilter, MedianFilter, ModeFilter, RankFilter, BuiltInFilter
MinFilter replaces each pixel with the darkest pixel within the filter area. MaxFilter replaces each pixel with the brightest of the surrounding pixels. MedianFilter sorts the surrounding pixels by brightness and selects the middle value. I think ModeFilter selects the most common pixel if occurs more than a certain threshhold. RankFilter is like Median, but it selects the colour at a specific point within the ordered list. Not sure about BuiltInFilter, my guess is its an implementation detail of some kind..
Will McGugan --