[EMAIL PROTECTED] (sepgy) wrote in message > Can anyone help me to use a python to create an HTML photo gallery > generator. When it's finished, it will be able find all the picture > files (i.e. .jpg, .gif. .png files) in any given folder on the > computer, automatically create smaller thumbnails for each image, and > then generate a complete HTML file that displays a clickable image > gallery. When viewed in a web browser, the HTML file will display the > thumbnails in a neatly formatted table, and if you click on one of the > thumbnails the full-size image will appear.
Hello, You want to look at this: http://www.uselesspython.com/thumbnail.py I also did this very thing when i first started learning Python. Found it quite educational and learned much in the process. Here was my try at 'improving it': http://bellsouthpwp.net/m/e/mefjr75/python/Thumbz.py You can see my dumb newbie code , of course that was two years ago ;) There are others out there too try thumbnail.py in a Google search sometime ;) > Thanks your welcome ... HTH, M.E.Farmer -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list