Hi all,

Last summer I started my buildbot for a couple or reasons:

a) to have it happen and work on a server I managed so I could examine
why things were failing
b) show commitment to watching the behavior of a bot

For the record, I have commented - and the "bot management" side of
things has responded quickly when something that is not the fault of the
bots themselves occurs - and gets posted. My thanks for that.

When I posted that I was going to start a bot a number of
core-developers commented, on the side, that while it was "nice" to be
starting a new bot, and "nice" that I would be paying attention what was
really needed was patches to fix the failing tests.

For two+ months I invested nearly every free moment I had (and sometimes
vacation moments when I should not have) I worked, and resolved all the
failing tests for the platform of my bot - both those that were
platform-centric as well as compiler centric.

I understand that core developers are busy people -also investing lots
of their free time - and my platform is not on their interest list. But
this becomes a self-fulling prophecy - no interest becomes the platform
fails - and the platform continues to fail because proposed patches
either never get reviewed, never get commited after review, or a second
reviewer comes along and wants it done differently, and then it still
lies there.

I am not intending to be critical of anyone. I am grateful for all the
time and assistance I have received. However, if the combined efforts
never result in getting all the platform test failures repaired there is
no pint in continuing the bot.

Besides time there is also the fiscal cost. I recently computed that the
rising cost of electricity has brought the expense of keeping the server
powered-on 24x7 more than I care to bear, and once I have a cheaper
replacement for the services I host (a PC or even a raspbery-pi) I will
be powering the server off, and most of the time the bot will be down.

Regardless of the status of the bot - I'll continue to monitor the PR's
I have submitted and even fireup the bot again, should there be a reason
to. But my time is extremely limited now (end of quarter projects,
critical situations, etc..). My lack of time is the main reason the bot
is still up :).

In closing - Holiday time are among us - for the USA, Thanksgiving is
past - and for many of us the year-end holidays come quickly. I wish you
all the very best holidays and other year-ends activities.


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