Zachary Ware
<> writes:

> I'm not sure about bolen-ubuntu, but I figured its issues are most
> likely slave- (or slave-environment-) related due to the fact that all
> branches are failing and the other Ubuntu bots are fine.  I did notice
> that bolen-ubuntu seems to have a pretty old OpenSSL (1.0.1f), might
> upgrading it be enough?  I don't think we support any but the most
> recent release of any given version of OpenSSL.
Hmm, at the system level it's 1.0.1f, but that's up to date for the
platform (Ubuntu 14.04.3) so I'd think should work.

I'll do a general update and see if that cleans anything up.

>> For windows, I sort of assumed the getaddrinfo failures might have
>> been tests that just didn't work properly on newer windows versions,
>> but have to admit I did not try to dig deeper.  I don't think there's
>> anything I can do at the slave level to impact that.
> I'm suspicious of Azure for those.  My 8.1 bot has no problem with the
> test that's causing problems on both Azure-based bots.

Hmm, good point about your bot - I should have thought to look at that.
Ok, I'll dig in further.  My 8.1 bot had been passing previously (after
resolving some of the new build stuff) so figured something new had been
introduced, but it's a good point that it might be a collision between
the tests and some Azure network restrictions.

-- David

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