On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 4:48 PM, Floris Bruynooghe <f...@devork.be> wrote:
> Thanks for the heads up, I was rather busy when you created this list
> and first pinged, and then lost sight of it.  The buildslave seemed to
> stop running for no particular reason and needed manual restarting
> every so often, which clearly wasn't happening.  But I've just
> upgraded the whole setup to some newer versions, now using everything
> as packaged by OpenCSW, and started the slave again.  So hopefully the
> newer twisted will be a little more reliable.  I've cleared the (very
> long) build queues so it should be able to keep up.  I'll try to keep
> an eye on it the next few weeks to see it stays up but feel free to
> ping me if there's a problem.

Excellent, thank you!

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