Hi folks,

Just wanted to let you know in case you hadn't seen them that there
are a couple of new buildbots in service: one that builds on Windows
in Release configuration [1] and one that builds the documentation and
runs a couple of style checks on it [2].  Both are currently in the
'unstable' set, but I expect both of them to graduate to 'stable'
status soon after an audit of the stability of the whole fleet.

[1] http://buildbot.python.org/all/buildslaves/ware-win81-release
[2] http://buildbot.python.org/all/buildslaves/ware-gentoo

If anyone has suggestions for improvements to the Docs bot, I'm all
ears.  Eventually, I'd like to add a doctest step, but there's a lot
of work that needs to go into fixing the doctests before I do that.


P.S.: for those receiving this message on python-committers, you may
notice that it is also cross-posted to python-buildbots, a list that
was recently set up for discussion of our buildbot fleet, mostly
between buildslave and buildmaster operators.  If you're interested,
subscription is open [3] and the list is mirrored on Gmane [4].

[3] https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-buildbots
[4] http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.devel.buildbots
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