New submission from Jerry Seutter <>:

Section 4.1 of the Python FAQ ( contains a 
grammar error:

The sentence I am referring to says: "If you are developing on OS X for Python 
2.x and will not be working with the OS X-specific modules from the standard 
library, then consider using the --without-toolbox-glue flag to faster 
compilation time."

How about instead: "If you are developing on OS X for Python 2.x and will not 
be working with the OS X-specific modules from the standard library, then 
consider using the --without-toolbox-glue flag for a faster compile."

(Note: Taken from the FAQ as of Jan 20, 2011)

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
keywords: easy
messages: 126626
nosy: docs@python, jerry.seutter
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Python FAQ grammar error
versions: Python 3.2

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