New submission from Sean Reifschneider <>:

Over the years I've written the same code over and over to create a random salt 
string of 2 characters.  Worse, the Modular Crypt Format is difficult to find 
documentation on, so creating stronger hashed passwords is difficult to get 

To that end, I'm proposing the addition of a "mksalt()" method which will 
generate a salt, and several METHOD_* values to select which hashing method to 

I also figure there will need to be a "methods()" call that figures out what 
methods are available in the library crypt() and return a list of the available 

If we have a way to generate a salt, then I figure we could drop the salt 
argument of crypt.crypt(), and if not specified to generate one.  So to hash a 
password you could do: "crypt.crypt('password')".

I figure that the best way to accomplish this is to implement this all in 
Python and move the existing C crypt module to _crypt.

A patch accomplishing this is attached.  Please review.

Attached is a patch to accomplish this.

components: Library (Lib)
files: python-underscore_crypt.patch
keywords: easy, needs review, patch
messages: 126393
nosy: jafo
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: patch review
status: open
title: Adding salt and Modular Crypt Format to crypt library.
type: feature request
versions: Python 3.3
Added file:

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