New submission from Wang Yanjin <>:

There is a file named "µTorrent.lnk" in the folder.

Here is the code:


import os
for i in os.listdir('.'):
    print os.path.isfile(i), '\t', i
a = input()

and the output:

False   aμ汉字.txt
True    uTorrent.lnk
False   μTorrent.lnk
False   μTorrent1.lnk
False   μ汉字.txt
False   μ汉字.txt.lnk
True    αγβδο
True    φχ.txt
True    φχ.txt.lnk

the function just doesn't work with the character "μ"

components: Unicode, Windows
messages: 124473
nosy: wyj1046
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: os.path.isfile doesn't work with some greek characters
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.6

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