David Watson <bai...@users.sourceforge.net> added the comment:

> > Also, if GetComputerNameEx() only offers a choice of DNS names or
> > NetBIOS names, and both are byte-oriented underneath (that was my
> > reading of the "Computer Names" page), then presumably there
> > shouldn't be a problem with mapping the result to a bytes
> > equivalent when necessary?
> They aren't byte-oriented underneath.It depends on whether use
> GetComputerNameA or GetComputerNameW whether you get bytes or Unicode.
> If bytes, they are converted as if by WideCharToMultiByte using
> CP_ACP, which in turn will introduce question marks and the like
> for unconvertable characters.
Sorry, I didn't mean how Windows constructs the result for the
"A" interface - I was talking about Python code being able to map
the result from the Unicode interface to the form used in the
protocol (e.g. DNS).  I believe the proposal is to use the DNS
name, so since the DNS is byte oriented, I would have thought
that the Unicode "DNS name" result would always have a bytes
equivalent that the DNS resolver code would use - perhaps its
UTF-8 encoding?

title: socket,  PEP 383: Mishandling of non-ASCII bytes in host/domain names -> 
socket, PEP 383: Mishandling of non-ASCII bytes in host/domain names

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