Daniel Stutzbach <dan...@stutzbachenterprises.com> added the comment:

Here is a new patch.

Usage, short version: 

By default, modules compile in Unicode-agnostic mode, where Py_UNICODE is an 
incomplete type.  Unicode-agnostic modules will load in both UCS2 and UCS4 

If a module defines PY_REAL_PY_UNICODE before including Python.h, Py_UNICODE 
will be a complete type.  The module can then dereference Py_UNICODE pointers 
and use sizeof(Py_UNICODE).  Attempting to load the module into a mismatched 
interpreter will cause an ImportError.

Longer version:

In Unicode-agnostic mode, extensions can pass around Py_UNICODE pointers 
freely, but they will get a compilation error if they attempt to dereference 
the pointer or use sizeof(Py_UNICODE).  In Unicode-agnostic mode, the following 
functions and macros take Py_UNICODE as parameter or return it.

Passing a Py_UNICODE pointer to a function that expects a wchar_t * (or 
something similar) will compile, but will generate an incompatible pointer 
types warning.

Per MvL's suggestion, the patch adds a flag field to PyModuleDef_Base and 
defines two flags: one to indicate if the module depends on the Unicode width, 
and another to indicate the width the module was compiled with.  These flags 
are checked in PyModule_Create2.

The patch includes unit tests to ensure that importing works or doesn't work in 
the correct cases.

19 of the 77 modules in Modules/ needed PY_REAL_PY_UNICODE.  

18 of them failed to compile without it (good!).

1 of them (_tkinter.c) output an "incompatible pointer types" warning without 
it, but compiled anyway (resulting in bad code - without evidence to the 
contrary it assumed Python was UCS2).

I ran the test suite with a UCS2 Python and a UCS4 Python on Linux.  I had 
hoped to run the test suite on Windows as well, but many tests are failing on 
Windows even without the patch.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file17278/unicode.patch

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