New submission from Nick Coghlan <>:

Remaining failure after resolution of issue8437:
FAIL: test_basic_command (test.test_gdb.PyBtTests)                    
Verify that the "py-bt" command works                                 
Traceback (most recent call last):                                    
  File "/home/ncoghlan/devel/python/Lib/test/", line 638, in 
  File "/home/ncoghlan/devel/python/Lib/test/", line 158, in 
    msg='%r did not match %r' % (actual, pattern))                              
AssertionError: 'Breakpoint 1 at 0x453510: file Objects/object.c, line 
330.\n[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]\n\nBreakpoint 1, 
PyObject_Print (op=42, fp=0x7ffff7532780, flags=1)\n    at 
Objects/object.c:330\n330\t\treturn internal_print(op, fp, flags, 0);\n#3 Frame 
0x808680, for file /home/ncoghlan/devel/python/Lib/test/, line 10, 
in baz (args=(1, 2, 3))\n    print(42)\n#7 (unable to read python frame 
information)\n#10 Frame 0x81a220, for file 
/home/ncoghlan/devel/python/Lib/test/, line 7, in bar (a=1, b=2, 
c=3)\n    baz(a, b, c)\n#13 Frame 0x807f00, for file 
/home/ncoghlan/devel/python/Lib/test/, line 4, in foo (a=1, b=2, 
c=3)\n    bar(a, b, c)\n' did not match '^.*\n#[0-9]+ Frame 0x[0-9a-f]+, for 
file .*, line 7, in bar \\(a=1, b=2, c=3\\)\n    baz\\(a, b, 
c\\)\n#[0-9]+ Frame 0x[0-9a-f]+, for file .*, line 4, in foo 
\\(a=1, b=2, c=3\\)\n    bar\\(a, b, c\\)\n#[0-9]+ Frame 0x[0-9a-f]+, for file 
.*g, line 12, in <module> \\(\\)\nfoo\\(1, 2, 3\\)\n'

components: Library (Lib), Tests
keywords: 64bit
messages: 103808
nosy: dmalcolm, haypo, ncoghlan
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: needs patch
status: open
title: test_gdb - "(unable to read python frame information)" mismatch
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7

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