Larry Hastings <> added the comment:

Marking closed, as promised; 2.7b1 has been out for nine days and there hasn't 
been a peep.  If new problems crop up from the capsule backport, please create 
a new issue and assign it to me.
For posterity: 2.7b1 shipped with a bsddb that still publishes a CObject.  This 
is the only CObject left in 2.7b1, and Python doesn't itself use that CObject 
for anything.  Therefore there are no CObject exploits left in pure Python 
2.7b1.  I don't know if bsddb will switch to a capsule in a later Python 2.7 
beta; that's up to Jesus and Benjamin and co.  But I suspect it won't.

resolution:  -> accepted
status: open -> closed

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