R. David Murray <rdmur...@bitdance.com> added the comment:

We don't fully support setting defaultencoding to anything other than ASCII.  
The test suite doesn't fully pass, for example, if defaultencoding is set to 
'utf-8' in site.py.
But that aside, the documentation for MIMEText says: "No guessing or encoding 
is performed on the text data.".  In your first example you are passing it 
unicode, which is un-encoded.  It might be helpful if it threw a ValueError 
when passed unicode, but it isn't technically a bug that it doesn't, since it 
does throw an error if you haven't changed defaultencoding.  The behavior also 
can't be changed, since existing code may be depending on being able to pass 
ascii-only unicode strings in and having them auto-coerced to ascii.

Note that the cause of the problem is the fact that the email transport encoder 
is assuming that the input is binary data and is breaking it up into 
appropriately sized lines by counting bytes.  You've fed it a unicode string, 
which it then winds up breaking up by *unicode* character count, then passing 
the lines to binascii.b2a_base64, which given the non-standard defaultencoding 
then coerces it to utf-8, which contains a number of bytes different from the 
original character count, which are then encoded in base64, giving you the 
uneven length lines in the final output.

In Python3 this isn't a problem, since you can't accidentally mix up unicode 
and bytes in Python3.

resolution:  -> wont fix
stage: test needed -> committed/rejected
status: open -> closed

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