New submission from Vilnis Termanis <>:

If an object, which as been put() in the multiprocessing.Queue is changed 
immediately after the put() call then changed version may be added to the queue 
which I assume is not the expected behaviour:

>>> from multiprocessing import Queue
>>> q = Queue()
>>> obj = [[i for i in xrange(j * 10, (j * 10) + 10)] for j in xrange(0,10)]
>>> q.put(obj); obj[-1][-1] = None
>>> obj2 = q.get()
>>> print obj2[-1][-1]

Note: This also happens if the queue is called form a child process like in the 
attached example.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 100278
nosy: vilnis.termanis
severity: normal
status: open
title: multiprocessing.Queue's put() not atomic thread wise
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.6
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