New submission from Jelly Chen <>:


blog = pyblog.WordPress(posturl, username, password)
content = {"description":'Test description6', "title":'Test article6'}
blog.new_post(content, blogid = "1") 

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 248, in run_nodebug
  File "D:\Users\Documents\My 
Knowledge\Plugins\{A0D025CD-970A-4C62-97E4-5CF6F2C9DD6A}\", line 
385, in <module>
    blog = pyblog.WordPress(posturl, username, password)
  File "D:\Users\Documents\My 
Knowledge\Plugins\{A0D025CD-970A-4C62-97E4-5CF6F2C9DD6A}\", line 266, 
in __init__
    MetaWeblog.__init__(self, serverapi, username, password, encoding)
  File "D:\Users\Documents\My 
Knowledge\Plugins\{A0D025CD-970A-4C62-97E4-5CF6F2C9DD6A}\", line 167, 
in __init__
    Blog.__init__(self, serverapi, username, password, encoding, appkey)
  File "D:\Users\Documents\My 
Knowledge\Plugins\{A0D025CD-970A-4C62-97E4-5CF6F2C9DD6A}\", line 63, 
in __init__
  File "D:\Users\Documents\My 
Knowledge\Plugins\{A0D025CD-970A-4C62-97E4-5CF6F2C9DD6A}\", line 87, 
in list_methods2
    self.methods = self.server.system.listMethods()
  File "C:\Python31\Lib\xmlrpc\", line 1039, in __call__
    return self.__send(self.__name, args)
  File "C:\Python31\Lib\xmlrpc\", line 1281, in __request
  File "C:\Python31\Lib\xmlrpc\", line 1068, in request
    http_conn = self.send_request(host, handler, request_body, verbose)
  File "C:\Python31\Lib\xmlrpc\", line 1193, in send_request
    "your version of http.client doesn't support HTTPS")
NotImplementedError: your version of http.client doesn't support HTTPS

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 99765
nosy: Jelly.Chen
severity: normal
status: open
title: Python 3.1's http.client doesn't support HTTPS
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.1

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