David Fischer <dfisc...@ucsdmail.com> added the comment:

I believe this bug affects urllib2 when it talks to the corporate 
single-sign-on solution Siteminder. Siteminder usually is installed as a web 
server module. When a request is made to the server (origin server), Siteminder 
issues a 302 redirect to a central authentication server running SSL passing 
the original request URL of the origin server. The central server responds with 
a 401 basic authentication challenge. Urllib2 responds with the password from 
the HTTPPasswordMgr. The central server sets some cookies and responds with a 
302 redirect to the origin server on the original URL. Urllib2 then sends the 
authentication and cookies to the origin server which is virtually always 
unprotected. Browsers do not send the authentication to the origin server -- 
only the cookies.

nosy: +dfischer
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file16198/siteminder_3819.py

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