New submission from Christian Boos <>:

For a stream with a "poor" encoding, such as sys.stderr on Windows where 
encoding is cp437, the encoding of an unicode message will fail 
(expected) and then a fallback encoding to UTF-8 will be done:

837                 except UnicodeError:
838                     stream.write(fs % msg.encode("UTF-8"))

However, that fallback won't work, as at this point, fs was already 
converted to unicode and is now u'%s\n', so the (msg.encode("UTF-8")) 
str will be decoded to unicode again using the default encoding, which 
will likely fail with a UnicodeDecodeError if msg contains non-ascii 

The solution would be to keep using fs as "%s\n" in this line.

This is similar to issue6991, but not exactly the same and it only 
happens for Python 2.7. Using, I've tested Python 2.3 
to Python 2.6 (works) and Python 2.7a1 (fails), current trunk must have 
the same issue as 2.7a1. Patch follows.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 96201
nosy: cboos, vinay.sajip
severity: normal
status: open
title: logger.StreamHandler emit encoding fallback is wrong
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7
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