Tarek Ziadé <ziade.ta...@gmail.com> added the comment:

The metadata are completely messy. Users are already confused.

For instance, since the metadata fields are not fully corresponding to
the argument names you can pass into setup.py, you can have an "author"
and a "maintainer" argument and Distutils will put only the author one
in the metadata field "Author".

To fill the "Home-url" metadata, the argument is called "url".
The "Summary" metadata is filled with the... "description" argument
The "Description" metadata is filled with the... "long_description"

So what we would gain is more clarity (as already discussed in other issues)

We are already discussing the addition of new fields in PEP 341 for
package dependencies, and making others clearer.

Replacing the author/author_email/maintainer/maintainer_email mess with
a single authors argument, that fills a multi-valued "Author" metadata
field make it clearer. Same thing goes with the email issue.

nosy: +lemburg

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