New submission from Michael Foord <>:

Logging is incompatible with IronPython 2.6. 


The core of the issue is that logging assumes that if sys._getframe is
not defined then frames can still be accessed through exceptions.

For IronPython this isn't true - *if* sys._getframe is not available in
IronPython (frames have to be specifically enabled) then frames are not
available at all.

Are there any platforms now where sys._getframe will be unavailable but
frames are still available? I don't think this applies to Jython where
frames are always available in recent versions (2.5 - and this would
only be backported to 2.6).

assignee: michael.foord
components: Library (Lib)
messages: 93233
nosy: michael.foord, vinay.sajip
severity: normal
stage: needs patch
status: open
title: Logging incompatible with IronPython
type: crash
versions: Python 2.6, Python 2.7

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