New submission from Mark Roseman <>:

Just a couple of minor things which this terminal session points out

s = ttk.Style()
('-compound', '-space', '-text', '-font', '-foreground', '-underline',
'-width', '-anchor', '-justify', '-wraplength', '-embossed', '-image',
'-stipple', '-background')
s.configure('TButton', font='helvetica 24')
b = ttk.Button(root)

The 'element_options' call presumably shouldn't include the dashes, i.e.
'compound' rather than '-compound'

The configure call shouldn't be returning anything, akin to how configuring
a button works.

Again, just little things..

components: Tkinter
messages: 90827
nosy: gpolo, markroseman
severity: normal
status: open
title: ttk.Style not translating some Tcl options
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.1

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