New submission from i5-7200u <>:
Hi, Python Interpreter have a big security bug/error.

My friend and l am. We can give virus code to Python Interpreter.

we were looking for run a binary application from memory (byte array)

Later we find python, but we got it is security bug/error

example from my friend:

if we encrypt python virus code and give to java codes as byte array and we 
decrypt python virus code and give to python interpreter from memory then 
antiviruses never detect it (not comodo, comodo have a strong hips and auto 
conmaintent) but we dont it.

we just want to fix this bug. for more peoples security. Please.

This bug is reported by KCS Team.

components: Interpreter Core
files: afterexample.png
messages: 413952
nosy: i5-7200u
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Python interpreter can get code from memory, it is not secure.
type: security
versions: Python 3.11
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