New submission from Christian Buhtz <>:

Hello together,
this is is about the installer of Python 3.9.10 on Windows 10 64bit.

I have problems to interpret the installer wizard/dialog. And my argument is 
that no matter if there are good reasons for the current options some of the 
users are confused by it.

The goal should be to make the installer more clear about what this options do.

Lets see the "Install for all users" option:
 This appears on all three pages.
 I am not sure but would say that the first two options are related to the 
py-launcher not the the python interpreter itself. OK, but why two options?
 The third option is for the interpreter?
 And I do not see an advantage in making a difference between launcher and 
interpreter for that option.

Lets see about PATH/environment variables:
 This appears on the first page ("Add Python 3.9 to PATH") and on the third 
page ("Add Python to environment variables").
 I do not understand why.

And all this options are not synchronized. It means when I Enable "Add Python 
3.9 to Path" on the first page the "Add Python to environment variables" on the 
third page is not updated (enabled) also.

I am sure there are very good reasons for this separated options. But the 
wizard should make this reason clear to the user (or her/his admins) so that 
she/he can make an well informed decision.

components: Installation, Windows
files: python3_9_10_install_wizard_page1-3.png
messages: 413777
nosy: buhtz, paul.moore, steve.dower, tim.golden, zach.ware
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Installer Wizard is unclear and has redundant settings
versions: Python 3.9
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