New submission from Paul Menzel <>:

[copied from closed (out of date) issue]

Reproduced with Python 3.9.6.

./configure` both prints `checking for g++... no` and 

      By default, distutils will build C++ extension modules with "g++".
      If this is not intended, then set CXX on the configure command line.

if `/usr/bin/g++` is present and executable which doesn't seem to be 
constructive because it's quite common that one wants to use `/usr/bin/g++` as 
CXX compiler if available. In case incompatibilities exists with other C++ 
compilers there should a check and more detailed error message.

Furthermore the error message doesn't explain if a part of distutils won't be 
build because the message sounds like the C++ extension is built, but does it 
work without a C++ compiler?

Specifying `CXX` environment variable or `--with-cxx-main=/usr/bin/g++` 
`configure` option works fine.

components: Build
messages: 399497
nosy: iritkatriel, krichter, pmenzel
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: configure should pick /usr/bin/g++ automatically if present
versions: Python 3.9

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