New submission from Ned Batchelder <>:

Some simple match/case statements show incorrect tracing.  Below is the code to 
run, as well as the output.  Output lines with initial stars are incorrect: 
they incorrectly indicate that case bodies are executing when they are not. 
Sorry for the bulk here, I wanted to give you all the cases I had.

-- 8< -------------------------------------
import linecache, sys

def trace(frame, event, arg):
    # The weird globals here is to avoid a NameError on shutdown...
    if frame.f_code.co_filename == globals().get("__file__"):
        lineno = frame.f_lineno
        print("{} {}: {}".format(event[:4], lineno, linecache.getline(__file__, 
    return trace

def match_with_default():
    for command in ["huh", "go home", "go n"]:
        match command.split():
            case ["go", direction] if direction in "nesw":
                match = f"go: {direction}"
            case ["go", _]:
                match = "no go"
            case _:
                match = "default"

def match_with_wildcard():
    for command in ["huh", "go home", "go n"]:
        match command.split():
            case ["go", direction] if direction in "nesw":
                match = f"go: {direction}"
            case ["go", _]:
                match = "no go"
            case x:
                match = f"default: {x}"

def match_without_wildcard():
    match = None
    for command in ["huh", "go home", "go n"]:
        match command.split():
            case ["go", direction] if direction in "nesw":
                match = f"go: {direction}"
            case ["go", _]:
                match = "no go"

-- 8< -------------------------------------

  3.10.0b4 (default, Jul 11 2021, 13:51:53) [Clang 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.29)]
  call 10: def match_with_default():
  line 11:     for command in ["huh", "go home", "go n"]:
  line 12:         print(command)
  line 13:         match command.split():
  line 14:             case ["go", direction] if direction in "nesw":
  line 15:                 match = f"go: {direction}"
  line 16:             case ["go", _]:
* line 17:                 match = "no go"
  line 19:                 match = "default"
  line 20:         print(match)
  line 11:     for command in ["huh", "go home", "go n"]:
  line 12:         print(command)
  go home
  line 13:         match command.split():
  line 14:             case ["go", direction] if direction in "nesw":
  line 16:             case ["go", _]:
  line 17:                 match = "no go"
  line 20:         print(match)
  no go
  line 11:     for command in ["huh", "go home", "go n"]:
  line 12:         print(command)
  go n
  line 13:         match command.split():
  line 14:             case ["go", direction] if direction in "nesw":
  line 15:                 match = f"go: {direction}"
  line 20:         print(match)
  go: n
  line 11:     for command in ["huh", "go home", "go n"]:
  retu 11:     for command in ["huh", "go home", "go n"]:
  call 22: def match_with_wildcard():
  line 23:     for command in ["huh", "go home", "go n"]:
  line 24:         print(command)
  line 25:         match command.split():
  line 26:             case ["go", direction] if direction in "nesw":
* line 27:                 match = f"go: {direction}"
  line 28:             case ["go", _]:
* line 29:                 match = "no go"
  line 30:             case x:
  line 31:                 match = f"default: {x}"
  line 32:         print(match)
  default: ['huh']
  line 23:     for command in ["huh", "go home", "go n"]:
  line 24:         print(command)
  go home
  line 25:         match command.split():
  line 26:             case ["go", direction] if direction in "nesw":
  line 28:             case ["go", _]:
  line 29:                 match = "no go"
  line 32:         print(match)
  no go
  line 23:     for command in ["huh", "go home", "go n"]:
  line 24:         print(command)
  go n
  line 25:         match command.split():
  line 26:             case ["go", direction] if direction in "nesw":
  line 27:                 match = f"go: {direction}"
  line 32:         print(match)
  go: n
  line 23:     for command in ["huh", "go home", "go n"]:
  retu 23:     for command in ["huh", "go home", "go n"]:
  call 34: def match_without_wildcard():
  line 35:     match = None
  line 36:     for command in ["huh", "go home", "go n"]:
  line 37:         print(command)
  line 38:         match command.split():
  line 39:             case ["go", direction] if direction in "nesw":
* line 40:                 match = f"go: {direction}"
  line 41:             case ["go", _]:
* line 42:                 match = "no go"
  line 43:         print(match)
  line 36:     for command in ["huh", "go home", "go n"]:
  line 37:         print(command)
  go home
  line 38:         match command.split():
  line 39:             case ["go", direction] if direction in "nesw":
  line 41:             case ["go", _]:
  line 42:                 match = "no go"
  line 43:         print(match)
  no go
  line 36:     for command in ["huh", "go home", "go n"]:
  line 37:         print(command)
  go n
  line 38:         match command.split():
  line 39:             case ["go", direction] if direction in "nesw":
  line 40:                 match = f"go: {direction}"
  line 43:         print(match)
  go: n
  line 36:     for command in ["huh", "go home", "go n"]:
  retu 36:     for command in ["huh", "go home", "go n"]:

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 397264
nosy: Mark.Shannon, nedbat
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: match/case statements trace incorrectly in 3.10.0b4
versions: Python 3.10

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