Larry Hastings <> added the comment:

> Should this feature implemented in typing module? How about inspect module?

That's a reasonable idea.

Part of the reasoning behind putting it in the typing module was to share its 
implementation with typing.get_type_hints().  However, I was reading the source 
to typing.get_type_hints() yesterday, and its implementation is completely 
based on the assumption that the annotations are type hints.  It might be 
possible to rework its implementation to isolate these assumptions, but the 
remaining shared code would be probably less than fifty lines.  So the code 
reuse isn't a big deal.

If the two functions don't share an implementation, you're right, the inspect 
module is probably a better place for this new function.

> Additionally, how about adding `get_annotation_str()`, which returns str 
> always? Some use cases (e.g. `help(f)`) need just string. I want to skip 
> eval() in it.

I don't know if I'd want to add a third function.  Perhaps a parameter to 
get_annotation?  eval_str=True?


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