Steve Dower <> added the comment:

I think this is worth unifying, but I'm concerned about making expanduser() 
return the original path on Windows - "~name" is a valid filename/relative 
path, and so code that does mkdir(expanduser("~nonuser/dir")) could create 
garbage in the current directory. I'd rather just raise OSError (or I guess 
RuntimeError, for consistency).

Long term, I'd like to see it switch to calling GetProfilesDirectory on 
Windows, but that's separate from this change, and doesn't invalidate this one.

Reading through the discussion, it seems like the primary concern about the 
change is "change for change sake". I think the amount and kind of code that's 
being removed is a good thing, and it's better represented as an "expand" step 
in the accessor than a "get" from the path.

So let's get it merged, probably(?) with a stronger error for the unknown 
users, but happy to be talked out of that. And only for 3.10.

nosy: +steve.dower
resolution: not a bug -> 
stage: resolved -> patch review
status: closed -> open
versions: +Python 3.10 -Python 3.9

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