Ken Jin <> added the comment:

Wow, thank you for the excellent bug report! Surprisingly, issue42904 's patch 
fixes this problem as well. I've spent a few hours trying to debug this, and 
here's some findings:

3.9.1 - 3.10 added ForwardRef recursive evaluation. A guess is that since 
get_type_hints has always been passing the wrong locals() for classes as 
mentioned in issue42904, that may cause nested ForwardRefs to be resolved 

class Root:
    a: List["Person"]

On first call of get_type_hints(Root), _eval_type evals in the following order:

# These print the repr, globals['__name__'], locals['__name__'], and code 
object (only for ForwardRef __forward_code__)

ForwardRef: ForwardRef("List['Person']"), a, None, <code object <module> at 
0x0503A7A8, file "<string>", line 1>
GenericAlias: typing.List[ForwardRef('Person')], a, a
ForwardRef: ForwardRef('Person'), a, a, <code object <module> at 0x0503AAF0, 
file "<string>", line 1>
NA: <class 'a.Person'>

Then on a second repeated call of get_type_hints(Root), _eval_type does:

ForwardRef: ForwardRef("List['Person']"), a, None, <code object <module> at 
0x0503A7A8, file "<string>", line 1>
GenericAlias: typing.List[ForwardRef('Person')], a, a
ForwardRef: ForwardRef('Person'), a, a, <code object <module> at 0x0503AAF0, 
file "<string>", line 1>

It's skipping the last evaluation of <class 'a.Person'>. This also occurs if I 
call it with RootB after Root.

I managed to reproduce this in 3.9.1-2 as well. The only requirement is to 
change the example to
class Root:
    a: 'List["Person"]'

nosy: +gvanrossum, kj, levkivskyi
versions: +Python 3.9

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