Adrian Freund <> added the comment:

For the last few days I've been working with pattern matching and it's ast for 
a bit, while trying to add support for it to mypy.

During this I noticed an inconsistency in the ast:

ast.MatchAs has an attribute name which is of type identifier (in C) and type 
str (in python).

This seams really inconsistent with the rest of the ast, where identifiers are 
always wrapped in a ast.Name object. The only other exception to this is 

Judging from Grammar/python.gram this seems deliberate:

    | pattern=or_pattern 'as' target=capture_pattern {
        _Py_MatchAs(pattern, target->, EXTRA) }

Could someone shed some light on why MatchAs directly references an identifier 
instead of an ast.Name?

nosy: +freundTech

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