New submission from Dan Snider <>:

Isn't the point of setting typed=True to make it so that e.g. True doesn't 
register as a hit when there is already a cache entry for 1.0? Assuming that is 
the case, although this report specifically targets 3.8 I found no indication 
that what I believe is the cause of this has been fixed in the interim.

def test():
    from functools import lru_cache
    class No1:
        __eq__ = 0 .__eq__
        __hash__ = 0 .__hash__
    class No2:
        __eq__ = (0,).__contains__
        def __hash__(self, /): return hash(0)
    @lru_cache(256, typed=False)
    def test(v): return [v]
    test(No1()), test(No1()), test(0.0), test(0)
    @lru_cache(256, typed=False)
    def test(v): return [v]
    test(No2()), test(No2()), test(0.0), test(0)

    CacheInfo(hits=0, misses=4, maxsize=256, currsize=4)
CacheInfo(hits=2, misses=2, maxsize=256, currsize=2)

messages: 388271
nosy: bup
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: bounded _lru_cache_wrapprer behaves as if typed=True when it wasn't
versions: Python 3.8

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