New submission from Batuhan Taskaya <>:

PEP 526 classifies everything but simple, unparenthesized names (a.b, (a), 
a[b]) as complex targets. The way the we handle annotations for them right now 
is, doing literally nothing but evaluating every part of it (just pushing the 
name to the stack, and popping, without even doing the attribute access);

$ cat
foo[bar]: int
$ python -m dis
  1           0 SETUP_ANNOTATIONS
              2 LOAD_NAME                0 (foo)
              4 POP_TOP
              6 LOAD_NAME                1 (bar)
              8 POP_TOP
             10 LOAD_NAME                2 (int)
             12 POP_TOP
             14 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
             16 RETURN_VALUE

$ cat
a.b: int
$ python -m dis
  1           0 SETUP_ANNOTATIONS
              2 LOAD_NAME                0 (a)
              4 POP_TOP
              6 LOAD_NAME                1 (int)
              8 POP_TOP
             10 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
             12 RETURN_VALUE

I noticed this while creating a patch for issue 42725, since I had to create an 
extra check for non-simple annassign targets (because compiler tries to find 
their scope, `int` in this case is not compiled to string). 

Since they have no real side effect but just accessing a name, I'd propose we 
drop this from 3.10 so that both I can simply the patch for issue 42725, and 
also we have consistency with what we do when the target is simple (instead of 
storing this time, we'll just drop the bytecode).

$ cat
a.b: int = 5
$ python -m dis
  1           0 SETUP_ANNOTATIONS
              2 LOAD_CONST               0 (5)
              4 LOAD_NAME                0 (a)
              6 STORE_ATTR               1 (b)
              8 LOAD_NAME                2 (int)
             10 POP_TOP
             12 LOAD_CONST               1 (None)
             14 RETURN_VALUE

8/10 will be gone in this case.

If agreed upon, I can propose a patch.

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 383729
nosy: BTaskaya, gvanrossum, lys.nikolaou, pablogsal, serhiy.storchaka
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: PEP 563: drop annotations for complex assign targets
versions: Python 3.10

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