Xavier Morel <xavier.mo...@masklinn.net> added the comment:
The problem seems to be in the user code? As you were told by "Carreau", 
loggin.disable takes a logging level (an integer), since you're giving it a 
string which it dutifully stores, it blows up at the next logging call which 
happens to be in asyncio.

This is not an asyncio bug, nor is it a crash anymore than passing a broken key 
function to `sorted` is a *Python* crash.

At most it's an enancement request: `logging.disable` could raise a TypeError 
immediately or convert the value to a loglevel the way `setLevel` does instead 
of storing the broken value as-is (all it does currently is store the value it 
receives on the root logger without any check).

nosy: +xmorel

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