New submission from Alex Grönholm <>:

>>> DummyDict = TypedDict('DummyDict', {'x': int, 'y': str}, total=False)
>>> DummyDict.__required_keys__
frozenset({'x', 'y'})

This happens because the TypedDict function does not pass the "total" metaclass 
argument to _TypedDictMeta() (instead passing "__total__" in the attribute 
namespace) and the new code that sets __required_keys__ and __optional_keys__ 
only checks the metaclass argument.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 378805
nosy: alex.gronholm
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: TypedDict(...) as function does not respect "total" when setting 
__required_keys__ and __optional_keys__
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.9

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