Chary Chary <> added the comment:
Steve Dower, thanks for looking at this.

After reading the thread from my amature point of view I kind of liked 
suggestion of Daniel Lenski to replace the binary delete argument of the 
current NamedTemporaryFile implementation with finer-grained options

This would also take care of the comment from Dave Abrahams, that 

<<Even if Windows allows a file to be opened for reading (in some 
circumstances) when it is already open for writing, it isn't hard to imagine 
that Python might someday have to support an OS that didn't allow it under any 
circumstances.  It is also a bit perverse to have to keep the file open for 
writing after you're definitively done writing it, just to prevent it from 
being deleted prematurely.>>

As for your comment to include FILE_SHARE_DELETE. If the decision is taken to 
go this path, shall we also not include FILE_SHARE_READ and FILE_SHARE_WRITE?


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