New submission from Pablo Galindo Salgado <>:
The eventfd system calls can allow us to implement some Linux-specific high 
performance version of some event notifier abstractions in the standard 

eventfd() creates an "eventfd object" that can be used as an event wait/notify 
mechanism by user-space applications. The object contains an
unsigned 64-bit integer counter that is maintained by the kernel. This acts as 
a file descriptor that can be used by the usual suspects 

The advantage here is that the kernel maintains the counter and if used in 
conjunction with poll/epoll, it allows for a high-performance and
scallabe event notification system.

components: IO, Library (Lib)
messages: 376130
nosy: pablogsal
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Expose eventfd for high-performance event notifier in Linux
versions: Python 3.10

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