Walid Taha <wt...@fb.com> added the comment:

That makes perfect sense now, and I see what threw me off. Basically, there 
were not enough cues for me to see that there was an extra pair of square 
brackets in the example that had nested listcomps, and as a result, I assumed 
that a nested listcomp simply meant one with multiple for clauses in it (which 
you clarified is not considered a nested listcomp).

If I may make a suggestion, the phrase "the nested listcomp is evaluated" would 
not have confused me if it simply said "the main part of the outer listcomp is 
evaluated". This can help in two ways. First, it avoids the possible confusion 
that the discussion in the previous section was about nested listcomp (which 
you rightly point out it is not). Second, adding the word "outer" gives an 
additional cue that we actually have two nested listcomps here.

Thank you very much for your quick response and help with this issue!


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