New submission from owais <>:

Hello... I am deploying a django application over the AWS Cloud Server EC2 
windows instance having AMD64 architecture. I have installed python 3.7.6 over 
the server and install all modules (numpy pandas matplotlib django etc) using 
pip. I have set the sqlite server on AWS. I changed the path variables from 
local dir to server dir and also change the database server name. but When I 
run the server from cmd by typing "python runserver" I am facing an 
issue/error that says pandas module does not have plotting module. Whereas I 
checked in site-pakages under pandas folder, there is a subfolder named as 
'plotting'. I have again installed the newer version of pip by upgrade pip 
command then install the pandas but no success acheived. Kindly help me out I 
am attaching 2 pictures, one is the error and other is project directory where 
all scripts are present.

components: Windows
messages: 373461
nosy: owais.ali, paul.moore, steve.dower, tim.golden, zach.ware
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Attribute error: Pandas module doesn't have 'Plotting' attribute
type: performance
versions: Python 3.7
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