New submission from Nathan Goldbaum <>:

As of, it looks like at least the C 
implementation of pickle.load expects the file argument to implement readinto:

This is a change in behavior relative to previous versions of Python and I 
don't see it mentioned in PEP 574 or in the pull request so I'm not sure why it 
was changed.

This change breaks some PyTorch tests (see and, at least one PyTorch 
user, although I don't have full details there.

I can try to fix this on the PyTorch side but I first want to check that this 
was an intentional change on the Python side of things.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 362242
nosy: Nathan.Goldbaum
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: pickle.load expects an object that implements readinto
versions: Python 3.8

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