New submission from Terry J. Reedy <>:

Some suggestions for

"Adds to the collection of active auditing hooks"
"Adds the callable hook to the collection of active auditing hooks"

Change 'Adds' to 'Add' or maybe 'Append' (see near below).
Insert 'the callable hook' in PySys version.
Change 'collection' to 'sequence' or 'list' (and change verb to 'append') since 
order is important.

PySys version:

I think the 'userData' explanation should be closer to the top.  

Grammar: "Functions in the runtime and standard library that raise events 
include the details in each function’s documentation and listed in the audit 
events table." is not a proper sentence.  Its 'skeleton' is "Functions ... 
include the details ... and listed ... .  

Either change 'include the details' to 'are detailed' and 'listed' to 'are 
listed' or split into two sentences:

"Functions in the runtime and standard library that raise events are  listed in 
the audit events table.  Details are in each function’s documentation.

Both, again:

"raises a auditing event".  'a' should be  'an'.  To me, this is slightly 
confusing because Python raises exceptions, but auditing events are not 
exceptions and do not normally abort execution.  Perhaps "This call is a 
'sys.addaudithook' event with no arguments that triggers an audit call."

Change 'Raises' to 'Raise'.

On pydev, Steve said "(though some won't be raised until 3.8.1... we should 
probably mark those, or at least update that page to warn that events may have 
been added over time)."

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation, Interpreter Core
messages: 357240
nosy: christian.heimes, docs@python, steve.dower, terry.reedy
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: needs patch
status: open
title: Audit Hook doc typos and confusion
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.8, Python 3.9

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