Kyle Stanley <> added the comment:

> Also in this case run awaits and returns the result. Yury suggested earlier 
> just to return the future and not await.

Yeah that's roughly what my initial version was doing. I'm personally leaning a 
bit more towards returning the future rather than the result, but I'm okay with 
either option. What are your thoughts on this Yury and Andrew?

> I agree that shutdown_default_executor and _do_shutdown should be changed to 
> accept an executor argument so that any executor can be shutdown 
> asynchronously

We could potentially add an internal method _shutdown_executor, but this would 
also require modification of _do_shutdown (so that it shuts down the executor 
passed, rather than the default one). I mentioned this in an earlier example, 
but this one shows all three together and changes _shutdown_executor to a 
method of BaseEventLoop:
    async def shutdown_default_executor(self):
        """Schedule the shutdown of the default executor."""
        self._executor_shutdown_called = True
        executor = self._default_executor
        await self._shutdown_executor(executor)

    async def _shutdown_executor(self, executor):
        if executor is None:
        future = self.create_future()
        thread = threading.Thread(target=self._do_shutdown, 
            await future

    def _do_shutdown(self, executor, future):
            self.call_soon_threadsafe(future.set_result, None)
        except Exception as ex:
            self.call_soon_threadsafe(future.set_exception, ex)

Functionally, it works the same for shutdown_default_executor(), but allows 
_shutdown_executor to be used for asyncio.ThreadPool as well. Since GH-16360 
(adding timeout param) also makes changes to shutdown_default_executor(), it 
will be blocking this issue.


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