Jon <> added the comment:
I installed v3.7.4 x86 and scripts work with `pythonw.exe` and `pyw.exe`

I also tested v3.7.4 x64 bit and scripts also work ok.  So that is some good 

This proves that pythonw (python console) for 3.7.5 is not working for some 
unknown reasons.

It is not related to Win10 (thankfully, as that would be an entirely different 

Will revert to 3.7.4 and stick with it until further notice.


That's about 7 hours of my life I will not get back, but I hope it will help 

title: py script runs with python.exe but not pythonw.exe (python console) -> 
v3.7.5 py script run ok with python.exe but not pythonw.exe (python console)

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