New submission from Daniel Pope <>:

CVEs related to unpickling untrusted data continue to come up a few times a 

This is certainly the tip of the iceberg. In a previous role I noted several 
internal services that could be compromised with maliciously crafted pickles. 
In my current role I can already see two internal services that look 
vulnerable. And in both organisations, little attention was paid to pickle data 
exchanged with other users over network filesystems, which may allow privilege 

Chatting to Alex Willmer after his Europython talk in 2018 
 we discussed that the red warning in the docs is still not prominent enough, 
even after moving it to the top of the page in

The warning currently says:

"Warning: The pickle module is not secure against erroneous or maliciously 
constructed data. Never unpickle data received from an untrusted or 
unauthenticated source."

I would suggest several improvements:

* Simpler, more direct English.
* Explain the severity of vulnerability that doing this will cause.
* Link to the hmac module which can be used to prevent tampering.
* Link to the json module which is safer if less powerful.
* Simply making the red box bigger (adding more text) will increase the 
prominence of the warning.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 350777
nosy: docs@python, lordmauve
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Big red pickle security warning should stress the point even more
type: security
versions: Python 3.8, Python 3.9

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