STINNER Victor <> added the comment:

> [3.8] bpo-36974: separate vectorcall functions for each calling convention 
> (GH-13781) (#14782)

FYI this change caused a regression in libcomps with Python 3.8 beta3, whereas 
it works well with Python 3.8 beta2.

It's not a bug in Python, but it was a bug in libcomps (already fixed 
upstream). I just fixed libcomps:

This project used the following method descriptors (for module functions):

{"categories_match", (PyCFunction)PyCOMPS_categories_match, METH_KEYWORDS,
{"environments_match", (PyCFunction)PyCOMPS_envs_match, METH_KEYWORDS,

In Python 3.7, importing the module was just fine: descriptor flags are only 
checked at the  first call to the method.

In Python 3.8, descriptor flags are checked when the module is imported.

Fedora bug:

The fix is to use the right flags: "METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS" instead of 

Should we add a note like "if you get a 'SystemError: bad call flags' on 
import, check the descriptor flags of your functions" in What's New in Python 
3.8? Maybe with a link to this issue.

nosy: +vstinner

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