Ned Deily <> added the comment:

"The only changes allowed to occur in a maintenance branch without debate are 
bug fixes. Also, a general rule for maintenance branches is that compatibility 
must not be broken at any point between sibling minor releases (3.5.1, 3.5.2, 
etc.). For both rules, only rare exceptions are accepted and must be discussed 

The principle here is that we "promise" users that they can upgrade from any 
version of 3.n.x to the latest version of 3.n without needing to make any 
changes except in very rare cases when there is an overriding concern and which 
must be well-documented in the release materials.  We're human so we sometimes 
slip up and inadvertently break that promise but that's the goal. And it's 
because of that promise that we can take the approach of immediately obsoleting 
previous older micro releases when a new micro release occurs, i.e. we don't 
provide fixes for 3.7.2 once 3.7.3 is released.

So, from my perspective, pretty much *any* regression between micro releases is 
a release blocker but especially in a case like this where it can be addressed 
before a final release.  That's basically why we do release candidates :)


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