Tal Einat <talei...@gmail.com> added the comment:

Michael, your willingness to help, and the work on this issue and PR, are 
greatly appreciated!

Reading through the discussion here again, and the one referenced by Ned, I 
tend to agree with the point that having *yet another* spelling for OS checking 
is perhaps not a good idea.  The point that needing to see exactly which check 
is done in certain edge-cases is another good point against adding such new 
constants.  Moreover, regardless of my opinion, there isn't a consensus and at 
this point I don't think there will be.

Considering the above, perhaps it would be better to use only a single, 
"canonical" idiom throughout the tests, or at least from this point forward (to 
avoid a codebase-wide change)? Steve Dower said he would "prefer sys.platform 
to be canonical".

I do suffer from having all of os.name, sys.platform and platform.system() used 
in various places, and it not being clear when one should be used instead of 


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