Michael Felt <aixto...@felt.demon.nl> added the comment:

I do not know if it is that much mode complex. Unless I missed something it 
seems to be that this bit - needs three lines added after the FREEBSD block - 
per below: 
All the other "assurances" are just things that need to be assured. Adding a 
-D_XXX to CFLAGS is not all that complex either. Perhaps getting the need for 
the flag documented is 'complex'.

unsigned long
    if (!initialized)
#ifdef __APPLE__
    uint64_t native_id;
    (void) pthread_threadid_np(NULL, &native_id);
#elif defined(__linux__)
    pid_t native_id;
    native_id = syscall(SYS_gettid);
#elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
    int native_id;
    native_id = pthread_getthreadid_np();
#elif defined(_AIX)
    pthread_t native_id;
    native_id = pthread_self()

More may be needed, but I expect it the include file mentioned is already 
included - but perhaps without the assurance that AIX says it wants/needs for 
real thread safe builds. And fixing that is just a bonus!


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