New submission from BTaskaya <>:
CPython only makes these methods class method when a class created. If you set 
__class_getitem__ method after the creation it doesn't work unless you use 
classmethod decorator manually.

>>> class B:
...     pass
>>> def y(*a, **k):
...     return a, k
>>> B.__class_getitem__ = y 
>>> B[int]
((<class 'int'>,), {})
>>> B.__class_getitem__ = classmethod(y)
>>> B[int]
((<class '__main__.B'>, <class 'int'>), {})

messages: 335985
nosy: BTaskaya
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Setting __init_subclass__ and __class_getitem__ methods are in runtime 
doesnt make them class method.
type: behavior

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