Pablo Galindo Salgado <> added the comment:

> One of the issue that I have with using posix_spawn() is that the *exact* 
> behavior of subprocess is not properly defined by test_subprocess. Should we 
> more more tests, or document that the exact behavior is "an implementation 
> detail"? I guess that the best for users is get the same behavior on all 
> platforms, but can we really warranty that? Python rely on the operating 
> system and the libc, but each platform has subtle behavior differneces. 
> Handling time and date is a good example: strptime() and strftime() have big 
> differences between platforms. posix_spawn() is another example where the 
> implementation is very different depending on the platform.

I don't think we can get the same behaviour in all platforms, but I would want 
to know what Gregory P. Smith thinks about this potential divergence in 
behaviour and what are the guarantees that posix_subprocess should maintain.


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