New submission from Siva <>:

'\a' in a command line gives  '\x07' in response.Tried '\a' in a calci programe 
but response gives me enter a valid data and a small box but o alarm. Do we 
have any ways to rectify the same. if so please let me know.

print('enter a value from the below list\n')
a = input('enter a value + , - ')

if a!= '+' and a!= '-' :
    print ('enter a valid data \a')
elif a == '+':
    b = eval(input('enter first value'))
    c=eval(input('enter 2nd value'))
    add = b+c
    print (b,'+',c,'=',add)
elif a== '-':
    b = eval(input('enter first value'))
    c=eval(input('enter 2nd value'))
    print (b,'-',c,'=',sub)

components: Regular Expressions
messages: 332907
nosy: ezio.melotti, mrabarnett, shivsidhi
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Alarm usage
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.7

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