Tim Peters <t...@python.org> added the comment:
We need to worry about timing too :-(  I'm using this as a test.  It's very 
heavy on using 3-tuples of little ints as dict keys.  Getting hash codes for 
ints is relatively cheap, and there's not much else going on, so this is 
intended to be very sensitive to changes in the speed of tuple hashing:

def doit():
    from time import perf_counter as now
    from itertools import product

    s = now()
    d = dict.fromkeys(product(range(150), repeat=3), 0)
    for k in d:
         d[k] += 1
    for k in d:
         d[k] *= 2
    f = now()
    return f - s

I run that five times in a loop on a mostly quiet box, and pick the smallest 
time as "the result".

Compared to current master, a 64-bit release build under Visual Studio takes 
20.7% longer.  Ouch!  That's a real hit.

Fiddling the code a bit (see the PR) to convince Visual Studio to emit a rotate 
instruction instead of some shifts and an add reduces that to 19.3% longer.  A 
little better.

The variant I discussed last time (add in the length at the start, and get rid 
of all the post-loop avalanche code) reduces it to 8.88% longer.  The avalanche 
code is fixed overhead independent of tuple length, so losing it is more 
valuable (for relative speed) the shorter the tuple.

I can't speed it more.  These high-quality hashes have unforgiving long 
critical paths, and every operation appears crucial to their good results in 
_some_ test we already have.  But "long" is relative to our current tuple hash, 
which does relatively little to scramble bits, and never "propagates right" at 
all.  In its loop, it does one multiply nothing waits on, and increments the 
multplier for the next iteration while the multiply is going on.

Note:  "the real" xxHash runs 4 independent streams, but it only has to read 8 
bytes to get the next value to fold in.  That can go on - in a single thread - 
while other streams are doing arithmetic (ILP).  We pretty much have to "stop 
the world" to call PyObject_Hash() instead.

We could call that 4 times in a row and _then_ start arithmetic.  But most 
tuples that get hashed are probably less than 4 long, and the code to mix 
stream results together at the end is another bottleneck.  My first stab at 
trying to split it into 2 streams ran substantially slower on realistic-length 
(i.e., small) tuples - so that was also my last stab ;-)

I can live with the variant.  When I realized we never "propagate right" now, I 
agreed with Jeroen that the tuple hash is fundamentally "broken", despite that 
people hadn't reported it as such yet, and despite that that flaw had 
approximately nothing to do with the issue this bug report was opened about.  
Switching to "a real" hash will avoid a universe of bad cases, and xxHash 
appears to be as cheap as a hash without glaringly obvious weaknesses gets:  
two multiplies, an add, and a rotate.


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